TOEIC in Vancouver

I've stayed in Vancouver for 1 year and 4 months.

I wanted to check how much my English improved, so I took TOEIC.


There are some English test, TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS, and so on.

(IELTS is most common and important in Canada)

TOEIC is the most popular in Japan.

It's easy to show your English ability in Japan if you have TOEIC score.


Public testing sessions in Canada are held 12 times a year.

You can resister online until the Thursday one week before the test at 5 p.m.

(We have to resister one month before the test day in Japan.)


I took the test on February 8, 2020.

It costed CAD$95 to take it.

(It's almost twice as expensive as Japan...)


I'd prepared for the test for 2 weeks.

I wanted to get 800 points because my friends got 750 or 780 or something like that.

I couldn't lose them!!


The examination room is here.


It the same building as my language school!


The flow to take the test was same as Japan.

I checked in at reception and went my room and took the test :)


My feeling after took the test was...

I felt so freeeeeeeeee!!!

I thought I was not bad at listening, however I couldn't solve 30 questions among 100 questions at reading...


The result is...





Hmmmmmm I have to study more...!!!




Listening is not bad as I expected, but reading is terrible.

I'll read something more!!


My score was 550 before I came to Canada.

Come to think about it, my English is improved.

But then again... I need more...!


Anyway, I think to take a test to improve your motivation and check your ability for your next step.

Let's improve ourselves XD


I have 1 more month here.

I'll keep study :)



See you then.
